Privacy Policy

Revision V1.0, effective date August 25, 2020


Hikari Calyx Tech (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “us” or “our”) respects your privacy. In order for you to have a certain understanding of our use of your privacy data, we have formulated the following policies on how to collect and use your privacy.

If you have concerns about the services we provide, you should stop using this website or requesting the service from us immediately.

What information do we collect?

This information is data used to contact specific individuals.
If you apply for related phone flashing and unlocking services through this website, in order to contact you, we need to know your name and email, as well as your country or region, and the identification information of your mobile phone. We need to use these data to contact you for subsequent phone flashing operations.
If you apply for related phone flashing and unlocking services through our Taobao store (Hikari Calyx Tech Store), due to Taobao’s relevant shipping rules, you may also provide your receiving address and contact number. For privacy protection needs, we recommend that you do not use your real address when applying for services.
However, no matter how you apply for the service, if you do not provide the necessary information we need, you will not be able to continue to receive the relevant services we provide, and we will not be able to provide you with services.

How do we use your personal information?

We only use this information in the following ways:
-Calculate the relevant unlock token based on the information you provide
-To be able to contact you later
-Send you an email to provide follow-up technical support
-Prevent abuse
-Final phone flashing request statistics

Site log

In order to maintain the operation of the website, we also use the website’s access log to understand how visitors visit. All hosting companies know the source of visitors in this way. This information includes your IP address, user agent, network operator, access date and time stamp, and a record of which options are selected. Although there are records of access to these, these data will not be associated with a specific user’s personal information. The main purpose of these website logs is for the regular operation and maintenance of the website and the main trend of obtaining the services we provide.

Use of Cookies

Like other websites, we also use cookies. These cookies are used to store your preferences when using our website and some of the pages you visit. We use cookies to optimize the experience of visitors when they visit our website. To learn more about Cookies, please read “What are Cookies“.

CCPA privacy (do not sell my personal information)

According to CCPA, in addition to other rights, customers in California have the right to:

Companies that collect customers’ personal data are required to disclose the categories and specific parts of the personal data they collect about customers.
Require companies to delete any personal data about customers collected by the company.
Companies that require the sale of customers’ personal data, not companies that sell customers’ personal data.
If you make a request, we have one month to reply you. If you want to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

GDPR data protection rights

We want to ensure that you fully understand all data protection rights. Every user has the right to use the following content:
Right of access-You have the right to request a copy of your personal data. We may charge you a small service fee.
Right to Correction-You have the right to ask us to correct any information that you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information that you think is incomplete.
Right to erasure-in certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to delete your personal data.
Right to Restrict Processing-In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data.
The right to object to processing-in certain circumstances, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data.
The right to data portability-You have the right to request that we transfer the data we collect to another organization or directly to you under certain conditions.
If you make a request, we have one month to reply you. If you want to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

Child information

Another part of our priority is to increase the protection of children when using the Internet. We encourage parents and guardians to observe, participate and/or monitor and guide their online activities.
We do not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. If you believe that your child has provided such information on our website, we strongly recommend that you contact us immediately, and we will do our best to delete such information in our records in a timely manner.